300 Athletes in Figueira Beach Run

More than three hundred athletes were present at the second edition of Arena Beach Run, the fifth and final event of the Foz Plaza Figueira Beach Games program, a program promoted by the Figueirense municipality for the promotion of beach sports in the county.

Marked by a strong ecological aspect, especially in eco-walking, in which the participants were collecting garbage that they came across on the beach (which, incidentally, was transversal to all the events of this programming), this turned out to be a sporting afternoon of high quality, with two races of five and ten kilometers, in which the effort of running in the sand pushed the participants to the limit.

Foz Plaza Figueira Beach Games are part of Figueira Beach Sports City, a project promoted by the municipality of Figueira da Foz, which aims to develop innovative products and services in the area of ​​beach sports.